
编辑:小麦 时间:2023-02-05 23:51:35


1. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

2. "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

3. "The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him."

4. "The wise man does at once what the fool does finally."

5. "There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance."

6. "Nature that framed us of four elements, warring within our breasts for regiment, doth teach us all to have aspiring minds."

7. "It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles."

8. "The greatest victory is that which requires no battle."

9. "The highest form of greatness is to be kind and gentle."

10. "The first principle of all human excellence is to be in oneself the master of one's own passions."
