
编辑:呆呆 时间:2023-02-15 15:27:26


Cristiano Ronaldo has always been very friendly and supportive to China. He has visited China many times and has made multiple appearances in China to promote football and the sport in general. Ronaldo has also developed a strong bond with his many Chinese fans, who have welcomed him with open arms each time he has visited the country.

The Portuguese star has been a great ambassador for the sport of football in China, and has done a lot to help promote the game in the country. Ronaldo has helped to inspire many young children to take up football, and has been a great role model in terms of showing the importance of hard work and dedication to achieve success.

Moreover, Ronaldo has always been very appreciative of Chinese culture and has celebrated the nation’s festivals, such as Chinese New Year. He has also taken part in a number of charity events in China to help raise funds for the less fortunate.

All in all, Cristiano Ronaldo has done a tremendous job in building bridges between Portugal and China, and has played a major role in strengthening cultural and sports ties between the two countries.
